Veronique Godbout is a freelance illustrator based in Exeter, Rhode Island, who specializes in branding, packaging, and corporate iconography.

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My passion for bringing brands to life through illustrations ignited back in my graphic design college days. Since then, I've hopped through the realms of advertising, marketing, and even donned the hat of a design guru in college, all while moonlighting as a freelance illustrator. As a die-hard illustration enthusiast, I stay on my toes, soaking in the latest design trends to keep my creative flame burning bright. To me, the enchantment of brand illustration lies in its ability to tug at heartstrings and forge connections with the audience. Spreading joy and vibrant visuals is the name of my game!


  • Yes Gallery
  • Stock
  • Silver Circle


What is your favorite logo? 
My absolute fave logo? Picture this: a happy pig swinging from a maple tree, representing the French-Canadian restaurant Le Pied de Cochon. This whimsical pig in a sweet foodie haven in Quebec? Oui, it's like it was made just for me!

Which brand do you most admire for its use of illustration? 
Jose Andres' restaurant empire is a feast for the eyes! I'm head over heels for the stunning graphic designs and illustrations that bring each unique restaurant to life. From the icons that capture the essence of the food and vibe, it's a visual treat for sure!

What packaging would be your dream job?
The ultimate gig in packaging...anything food-related with a side of fun! Spaghetti on the run? Ice cream that screams joy? A chocolate bar so silky it's like a one-way ticket to bliss? Sign me up for all the packaging fun!

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