Scott Schiller is a freelance illustrator based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who specializes in illustrated maps and travel-themed artwork.

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My interest in professional map illustration began around 2006 when I was art director for a travel magazine. Over the years, my expertise in map creation has developed and grown due to my love of geography, culture and travel. As an illustrator who specializes in maps, I nurture this focus by reading, online research, connecting with other talented map designers and getting out into the world to explore and discover. What I love most about mapmaking is its ability to tell an interesting and engaging story through visuals. To create a successful map illustration I believe it's important to do the research, learn and experiment with various techniques, and listen closely to the needs of the client. For me, the two most important qualities of a successful map illustration are a clear and understandable narrative and expertly executed visuals. To maintain my skillset I am always working on new maps and growing my illustration skills, on both commissions and personal projects.


  • National Geographic
  • Koehler Books
  • True South Puzzles


What is your most memorable vacation spot? 
A trip I took to southern Utah, to explore the Big 5 national parks, was one of my most memorable vacations.

What is your favorite mode of transportation? 
I enjoy biking, both road and mountain.

Which do you prefer: mountains, desert, beach, or forest? 
I love them all, but I hear the call of the ocean the loudest.

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