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Karen Greenberg is a freelance illustrator based in New York City, who specializes in portraits.

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I’ve been fascinated with faces—and hair—since I was quite young, and I love to watch as they come to life on my screen. My intent is always to capture a certain essence, a mood, a feeling that emanates from the art. When I ‘feel’ that, I know I’ve succeeded.


  • Michael Wallis, Cheese Maker


Which of your portraits is a personal favorite?
The Dalai Llama—I feel the sense of calm that he is, when I look at him.

What is the most important feature to capture?  
The subjects overall energetic vibe, and hair is always key.

What would your dream project be?  
I’ve always wanted to have my work used in film, so drawing portraits for use in film titles, or as scene props would be amazing. I’d also love to illustrate a book of spiritual leaders for kids.

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