Jessica Hogarth is a freelance illustrator based in Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK, who specializes in illustrated maps and travel-themed artwork.

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My interest in drawing architectural illustrations began whilst I was studying for my degree in Surface Pattern Design in Leeds, England (I graduated in 2010). This led to a love of depicting a whole town or city through my designs. Since I have focused on this as a niche, I have become known mostly as an artist that specialises in this type of work and I have created maps and location specific designs for various places, some of which have been licensed for extensive product collections or used in editorial. I draw in a naïve yet sophisticated way and the most important thing to me when creating a new piece of work is to stay true to my distinctive artistic style. 


  • Yes Please Productions
  • Temple Island Collection
  • Kiub Edition


What is your most memorable vacation spot?
My most memorable vacation spot is Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod. I only spent 3 nights there but it is high on my list of places to return to. It had the most relaxed vibe I think I have ever experienced and I loved it. 

What is your favorite mode of transportation?
Favourite mode of transportation has to be a tram. A school exchange visit to Gothenburg, Sweden is where my love of this mode of transport began. 

Which do you prefer: mountains, desert, beach, or forest?
I am mostly a town/city person but I would have to say mountains, I prefer lush and green to barren landscapes. 

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