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Georgia Holland is a freelance illustrator based in Suffolk, UK, who specializes in animal illustrations and wildlife patterns.

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My interest in animals and wildlife began as a child, but that interest has grown into a passion for natural history, conservation, and environmentalism. Throughout my education I have explored a variety of themes, but animals are the subject that I have always come back to, as I believe illustration is a powerful tool to engage audiences in important topics. Most recently I have undertaken an MA in Children’s Book Illustration and found a love for non-fiction illustration. To create a successful image, I always focus on depicting an animal accurately whilst also highlighting character and personality. Visually, I love to explore bold colours, shapes and textures!


  • Sweet Cherry Publishing
  • Rooted Magazine


What animal do you most relate to? 
I struggled a bit with this question, but I always tell people that I go 'lizard mode' when the sun comes out because I feel like it energizes me! 

What animal is the most fun to draw? 
Horses! I love figuring out how their legs work.

Which do you prefer: cats or dogs?
I've always had both, so couldn't pick! I love how friendly dogs are, but it is also so rewarding when an aloof cat comes to you for some fuss. 

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