Chris Lyons is a freelance illustrator based in Rochester, New York, who specializes in branding, packaging, and corporate iconography.

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My interest in branding, packaging and iconography began during my days as an advertising art director. I love the challenge of differentiating and distinguishing brands through evocative imagery and concepts. As an illustrator, my opportunities have expanded by gaining the trust of designers and art directors by successfully delivering their visions. My experience in the world of advertising has given me a unique perspective - I am able to speak the same language as my creative customers. To be successful as an illustrator it’s important to actively listen and engage as a creative problem solver and partner. Then bring my unique style to life in the work. The more I draw, the better I get. At some point…I’ll really get this thing nailed!


  • United States Postal Service
  • SalesForce
  • Mattel
  • New Century Chamber Orchestra of San Francisco
  • Deloitte
  • Target
  • Trader Joe’s


What is your favorite logo?
Tough one...I like Fat Tire branding and illustration. I also love the Aviation American Gin brand. But for pure elegance and style: St Germain / Bacardi packaging and design by Sandstrom Partners. Knockout.

Which brand do you most admire for its use of illustration?
I love the way Salesforce uses illustrations exclusively. It is so distinctive and original. Paul Rogers set a very high bar for the rest of us who get to work with Salesforce.

What packaging would be your dream job?
I recently lost (down to 2...I didn't get it) an opportunity to work on the branding illustrations for Blue Moon Beer. I did get to work a bit on Sam Adams a few years ago, but any kind of playful and expressive beer branding would be a dream.

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