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Celine Geser is a freelance illustrator based in Zurich, Switzerland, who specializes in illustrating children’s books and creating artwork for kids.

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I received my degree as a designer in Zurich in 2010. I then worked for various graphic agencies and as a freelance illustrator. After long travels, I settled in Quito, Ecuador for five years and founded the fashion label Timbushka. Back in Switzerland, I have just published my 19th children's book. With my illustrations, I want to touch the hearts of those who view them and open windows into worlds that we pass by in everyday life. With my loving, profound and life-affirming images, I hope to inspire people to see with their hearts and to see life in all its beauty and depth to celebrate.


  • Weber Verlag
  • Migro
  • Baeschlin Verlag


What was your favorite storybook as a child? 
I had so many: Petterson and Findus, Moomins.

Which authors do you admire most? 
Sven Nordqvist

What characteristic really brings a children’s book to life?
Real and authentic stories with all the feelings included, plus beautiful pictures;)

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