Amy Benson is a freelance illustrator based in Brooklyn, Connecticut, who specializes in architectural renderings and building illustrations.

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I've always had a fondness and appreciation for architecture. Growing up I was probably the only kid in my class who knew what a mullion was, largely due to my parents' love of 1980's home shows on PBS. To this day, I enjoy visiting historic homes and walking through neighborhoods looking at all the details. I take photos and work from them as part of my daily sketchbook practice or as references to create watercolor illustrations. What I love most about architecture is that it records the past, documenting how people lived and adapted as needs arose. For me, the most important qualities of a successful architectural illustration are having realistic proportions and perspective and capturing the feel of the space. My goal is to make the viewer want to step into the space and feel at ease. 


    What city has your favorite architecture?
    There are so many places with amazing architecture, closer to home I enjoy the mix Newport, Rhode Island offers—from the over-the-top opulence of the mansions to the humble early American homes.

    What is your favorite building?

    Naumkeag in Stockbridge, Massachusetts

    Which do you prefer: modern or classical?
    I love all the details classical architecture offers but wouldn't mind spending the weekend in a modern space with great views.

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